on August 17, 2020
Got 0.9 out of my first pull got those crystals outa my second by letting naptha evap they still got dry a bit doomg my 3rd pull now ;)
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Newperspectives i used 50g of bark 1f642.png when i get some more bark ill be doin a bigger extraction.
Like August 18, 2020
Thank u the void whats the average on a 50g extraction is 0.8 good for a first pull? Iv only done a few extractions so far so not really sure on how much one is suppsed to get from 50g of bark1f642.png on my last extraction after all 3 pulls where said an done i got a total of 1.3 grams some was yellow powde... View More
Like August 18, 2020
I also normally warm my soup and naptha up befor shaking and then put in water thats in a instapot set to the warm setting it gets the water to 120f and let separate then shake and repeat the separation them shake again lol finally after the third shake an settle i pull the naptha
Like August 18, 2020
That a low's a source you can get 2%yeild. MimosaWorld .com
Like September 6, 2020