on August 13, 2020
Dimension: 1200 x 915
File Size: 32.92 Kb
10 people like this.
Joey Green
Some serious evidence of your talented gifts right there! Bravo!!!
Like August 13, 2020
Joey Green
Would make for a most awesome coffee table style book! ..... Just sayin
Like August 13, 2020
Thank you so much ! The first edition was only 50 pcs but im thinking of doing another run if there's interest 1f642.png also just write more, been diving into changa and need to process that. Peace
Like August 13, 2020
NaturalSelXN i think you shouetry! A bit easier with ineffable experiences 1f642.png I hacrnt written doen any trips for a long time but i will start again! Maybe i should post some more poems
Like August 14, 2020