on August 3, 2020
Yo man ive been a fan of your content for about a year now! I finally decided to do my first grow wish me luck lol XD
Dimension: 4032 x 2268
File Size: 2.32 Mb
18 people like this.
Nice looking tub bud!!
Like August 3, 2020
Nice. What substrate?
Like August 4, 2020
Cheers guys! Using a 2 : 1 : 1 ratio of locally obtained well rotted horse manure coco coir and virmiculite ✌
Like August 5, 2020
Hell yeah my dude. Go for it! Myco was the mone that made it seem possible for me and led me to this community. I dont do social media but this community is right up my alley. Glad to find a place with like minded individuals. I feel at home.
Like September 3, 2020