on July 26, 2020
My first ever agar make and pour, went pretty well I think. Biggest issue was lids going on without collapsing cup. Figured out the problem after I was done, poured too many cups at one time, and more in each cup than what I really needed, the longer they sat the cup rigidity weakened from the heat of the agar, and downward pressure on cup with the lid and possessing absolutely ZERO finesse, I'll know for next one. If you don't learn, it's hard to succeed. A big appreciato to all, a being can learn alot around here. Peace
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Joey Green
Awesome!..... well upon your way Gramps! Books, research and talk (theory) can only take one so far ...... You really gotta roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty and dig in to really master anything!
Like July 26, 2020