Hailey Nicole
on July 26, 2020
A couple of my faves from this weekend. Went camping with my local psychedelic society and I couldn’t be happier! I feel so recharged and rejuvenated. We walked about 12 miles on the beach and up into the dunes. We took our medicines in the early evening and went back to the beach for the sunset and later again for the stars. And I found my first petosky stone on the beach!! These are one of my favorite rocks because it’s a fossil! :D
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32 people like this.
That's to bad. He had years and years ahead of him
Like July 29, 2020
Hailey Nicole
It really was magical! 1f642.png
Like August 4, 2020
Hailey Nicole
@Cpaul I know 1f614.png Poor lil guy
Like August 4, 2020
Hailey Nicole you know I can appreciate that
Like August 4, 2020