on July 12, 2020
I would llike some help identifying these beautiful specimens in the fam's medical cannabis raised beds, will have more information once I check sporeprints in the morning. I had 3 strains at the time I planted grain a couple months back blue meanie, Colombian(I don't believe it was the CRS rustspore) and F+(floridas) I'm anticipating these aren't the F+'s. Beds where filled with grass hay from cutting down a fire break in the backyard some sunshine mix some used soil and coco loco on top to lock in moisture we also added goat manure mulch with grass hay wheat hay alfalfa and possibly Guinea hen manure and hay. No steril procedures where used other than alcohol everything down prior to inoculating bags of sterile substrate+spawn mainly myan farm or deep amazonian from shamantech on ebay. Zero contamination in the bags I pulled some mulch back and scattered mixed up colonized substrate and grain around the beds and up to a couple inches of the stalk of each plant.
This is a side project to find stable genetics that grow in my microclimate with the nutrients naturally available using manure and grass as mulch on cannabis is probably the best thing you can do for it and it provides a casing layer for my cubes. I was concerned the wouldn't be able to crack their shells and move the balls of goat manure out the way the clumps of wet piss soaked hey probably aren't ideal but it's been well watered and probably rinsed out by now. I only water no need for liquid fertilizer with the amount of goats and poultry manure. If I can lower the amount of products used or waste created from my projects I'd like to and it really doesn't look suspicious but there is a mycelial mat atleast a couple inches thick or more in most of my raised beds now but only these are cumming up so far I might scratch some hay and poo aside gently but not sure if it'd even help pinning. It's over 100f today yesterday was much cooler I water 4 times a day with sprayers that increase humidity around plants and will likely change my set up when the cannabis flowers to shrublers still watering every 6 hours. I have some pockets and a glass gar over some fruits during the day today not sure if they will get hit directly by sprayers or if the 100f temps are too harsh. Better safe than sad.
I harvested the larger two I found put caps in foil for prints cloned a stem though it instantly brushed blackish blue and soaks a couple chopped stems(as think and long as my pinky) in lime juice added some fresh cut watermelon and I'm nicely micro dosed. The first mushroom for me in a couple years and first successful fruit harvest ever. I like that the two organisms benefit from eachother like friends till the end really positive outcome I just can't put my finger on the specific bag of grain used in this bed I know I should have labeled it's been a hard year yet but just have surgerya couple weeks ago and I'm on the mend! I believe I had more colombian than blue meanie used in this project and thought some might have experience with either strain. I will update as things progress all advice criticism and questions are greatly appreciated!
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