Nicholas Pantoja
on July 4, 2020
Been working on agar in a still air box. Dont know if its baby contam. Anyone know?
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Be sure to place the rhiz face down onto your new clean agar.
Like July 4, 2020
Nicholas Pantoja
Those black things r spore scrapes. The contam i see is on the very top. Yellowish white baby bubble.
Like July 4, 2020
Nicholas Pantoja
Rizo is the outside of the colony where the mycelium pokes out looking for neuts right? Thank you so much for letting me no
Like July 4, 2020
Nicholas Pantoja
Sacked-up ty fot that great lesson. I understood it more coming from you than i did all the utube vids. One question tho. Its about using diffedent agar nutrients such as v8, potato dextrose, lme ect. Dose this keep your genetics strong. Is changing agar good or dose it even matter?
Like July 4, 2020