on June 30, 2020
Well my first outdoor grow was a success, both autos, sour diesel and critical cheese, just got to cure now. Might sample at the weekend, can’t wait : )
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32 people like this.
I wasnt going to reply, as i dont respond to negativity, i just let it pass. But for the record, yes i do trim before drying, i find it easier, and i also leave the last 3rd of the sugar leaves atrached, as these have plenty of trichomes. I care not how the buds look, its all about getting the ful... View More
Like July 8, 2020
And also, for some reason, the buds turned out to be airy. But hey ho, they still do what i need
Like July 8, 2020
Joey Green
Not all buds are created equal! .... In fact, NOTHING is equal! The best we can ever hope to strive for is "complementary" with a big helping of equality of opportunity! Lol Some of the very BEST smoke ive ever had the blessings of interaction with, were some landrace, old school, equatorial sativ... View More
Like July 8, 2020
Windswept Eyes
Wow, you got a lot of responses! Enjoy youre lovely smokes ;-)
Like July 8, 2020