on June 25, 2020
is horse shit good to grow mushrooms in??
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Thats why we have a political group. So we dont become facebook or twitter. Policitcal opinions are like a penis. Just because you have one doesnt mean you can ram it down everyones throat. Seriously does "fuck all trump supporters" belong on dmt world?
Like June 26, 2020
i didnt mean for post to go south the way it did...thought ppl could just giggle and move on
Like June 26, 2020
i mean as much as we hate the bastard (trump) you gotta give him skme respect for how he handles the dogshit media
Like June 26, 2020
If Kim Jong-un and Trump could have a child I imagine this. Edit: just a joke also
Like June 27, 2020 Edited