on June 22, 2020
So to do cubes outside. I tried spawning a cardboard box. Set under hostas so completely shaded. Box holds in moisture so so spawn doesn't dry out. Mixed popcorn to bulk that i thought might be bad with old outside used potting mix and dirt from last year.. Got it wet because figured would dry out. Sprayed with hose few time over past few weeks. As it cononized and then today checked during thunderstorm. Ne ohio. Temps all over the place. Only way if got this much of a pinset outside with varing temps and air moisture. Your welcome. ;)
Dimension: 3072 x 4096
File Size: 3.27 Mb
9 people like this.
Few weeks off here and only few new names. One more trick and im out. Goid info grts lost in feed and memes get flooded. You can case almost exhausted cakes. As long as no contam and it will colonize just like spawning to bulk.
Like June 22, 2020
Hey DeMr Tri i grew up on the Westside of Cleveland what town are you in? all my family is still floating around out there.
Like June 23, 2020
Joey Green
VERY well thought out attempt and immaculate executuon! I have lil doubt your results will exceed your expectations! Ya know ...... its overachievers like yourself that give us slackers bad names! Lol
Like June 23, 2020
Im the king of slacking and procrastinating. Somewhere in-between Erie, Youngstown and Cleveland. Lol
Like June 23, 2020