on June 4, 2020
Little babie Ecuador
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File Size: 3.91 Mb
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Your doing it dude! It feels so good doesnt it?
Like June 4, 2020
It feels amazing especially wen i get home from work and see how they have grown so much in that little time their so cute and fucking awesome cant wait to enjoy been ten years sense i did them and i stopped cause of a very bad trip
Like June 5, 2020
Wait till they get bigger! They almost double within a few hours. I think your next trip will be different. Theyll take good care of you 1f642.png
Like June 5, 2020
Thank u guys ill keep u posted on them and yes they doubled sense earlier i out the rest of my stuff into fruit to some test stuff ill write a trip report wen i take these ones cant decide how much either 1-2 grams
Like June 5, 2020