on June 1, 2020
Penis Envy Uncut spores added to the menu! ♡♡
Website finally launched!
Another baby on the way!
Things are feeling a little crazy!
Dimension: 1080 x 1081
File Size: 39.24 Kb
44 people like this.
Thanks! Its pretty scary but exciting LoL
Like June 3, 2020
Joey Green
That photo is one of the nicest and fairly uniform fruitings of a PEU grow Ive seen ..... And ive seen one or two in my days lol Isolate? .... or really lucky MS attempt? Congrats on the upcoming addition to your family! ..... You really only get the full on parenting affect when you have multiples... View More
Like June 3, 2020
Just ordered mine! Cant wait!
Like June 4, 2020
Can you drop you're website for me
Like June 4, 2020