Tunnel bird
on May 24, 2020
Whats everyones thoughts on dmt vape pens?
Dimension: 828 x 984
File Size: 616.31 Kb
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Jay Marley
Like May 24, 2020
ALX8721 I feel you there. I had a solo with the rig and was worried the whole time about it, did I knock it over, is it burning me, is my house on fire. Now I only use the rig with someone. I use the motar wax attachment for solo one hit breakthroughs now. Vape pen for micros and for on the go.
Like May 24, 2020
MikeyAndJennie Floberg
My thoughts are that you should share if you're gonna show
Like May 26, 2020
Justin Wilkinson
I want many of those dosed to perfection! Hell Yeah great minds think alike great its cool you figured it out
Like May 27, 2020