on May 16, 2020
Hey whats up guys havent posted in a a while figured i might share something, heres a strain of pearl oyster i cloned from a store bug long story short after doing a tissue culture from fruit i found out how crazy rhizomorphic this shit was and i put it in sterilized cardboard in a jar and it grew super filamentous maybe too rhizomorphic believe it or not, buf i did a transfer and got aome contam and when cleaning it up on accident i got isopropyl on rhe mycelium and if imediatly reacted with it and soaked it up but later i find that the mycelium indeed survived but grew WAY diffeferently so im hoping for some fucked up genes to hopefully fruit and see what it produces, has anyone else encountered this? Thinking could be an interesting method of mutagenises, The TLDR of it- i gave pearl oysters Fetal Alchohol Syndrome
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Mario sabino
Like May 16, 2020