Tunnel bird
on May 14, 2020
My brothers and sisters! For those times you cant take your meds! This is a trip machine , i got visuals on this harder than any lsd ever gave me! Sometimes i have to take them off its so visual! Its great and is a great practice for dmt !! It release endoginus dmt throught the brain by stimulating your carcadian rythim and melitonon! Please note: not trying to sell if anyone is offended by post will take down
Dimension: 828 x 1224
File Size: 388.11 Kb
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Anyways man, this shit looks sick and i feel like this might potentially help with my social anxiety. I noticed when im distracted by something I dont usually get nervous and can therefore stay sane. Thank you for posting this tunnel bird. You’re a great person!
Like May 15, 2020
Tunnel bird
Carlcybin its really good for muscle relaxation too, i suffer aniexty thats causes pelivc pain and it nurtalizes it , im not saying tho its a cure all just for musle relaxation and some small ailments
Like May 15, 2020
There’s no cure all for anxiety but we can damn sure do as much as we can to fight and prevent it! Five star frog splashing on my social anxiety!
Like May 15, 2020
Hey tbird, check this shit out , its been one of my favorite websites ever l, i sit there flippjng through it like the sears christmas catalog and its been out since way back then holy shit haha https://www.amazing1.com/products/high-power-magnetic-pulser-deluxe-model-with-timer-synchronized-light... View More
Like May 15, 2020