on May 13, 2020
Super easy, works like a charm.. good luck ✌️
Dimension: 730 x 619
File Size: 220.77 Kb
3 people like this.
Zip lock means a sort of plastic bag? Thanks this really helps me
Like May 14, 2020
BEERUS21 That be cool. It would definitely help consolidate the naphta in a smaller area as it bottle necks up. It be easier to collect with a small baster. Instead of tilting the jar to the side trying to chase the naptha.
Like May 14, 2020
RightyO man! I fucking dislike chasing naphtha in a qt jar. I saved 7 qts from 7 different extractions and ran them all through cheese cloth and was able to collect the leftover naphtha from them all and got some more deemz from it that way. A damn hassle. Next time I’ll use the erlenmeyer
Like May 14, 2020