on May 7, 2020
Productive day. Plants transplanted. Love graphic on bag. Cube extract done. Got 6g out of 16. Also hit with citric acid.
8:07pm = 0:00 - 1.6g = 4g mush injested
Dimension: 3072 x 4096
File Size: 2.67 Mb
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151 proof everclear or 190 if you can get it. Soak for days, heat up for a bit, shake a lot and keep in freezer atleast some of time. Freezing breaks cell walls. Alcohol that content doest freeze but water in cells will if fresh used. Heat helps pull. Alcohol pulls one molecule water pulls oth... View More
Like May 7, 2020
00:45 first effects since took dose in 2 balls. 01:30 feel great no nausea, no negative any side effects. Slow release as hell eating that resin. I wonder if sunflower lecithin would emulsify it?
Like May 7, 2020
02:30 decided to take more since its slow release. 1.6g was 4g. Decided to eat more. Fuck weighing it 6.8g total in container to begin with. 14g extracted maybe. At like 3 maybe 4g more so that should be like 10g equivalent maybe. So smooth and slow. Bottle it still liwuid and do math to get a... View More
Like May 7, 2020
Thank you im going to try this out very soon I really appreciate the info. Thank you
Like May 7, 2020