on May 6, 2020
Dmt World I am putting these 2photos i took just after my meditation and everyday this Orb turns up and i have put many other photos on here staring this IS! An Orb that follows me everyday and night for 15 months now and these 2 certainly aint sun spots! On most of my photos a red field of light surrounds the Orb but not this time , instead the Orb is twice as big and is sitting in impossible places to be a Sun Spot so these two images should quiet the sceptics, thankyverymuch! ✌️❤️????????✝️
Dimension: 2448 x 3264
File Size: 3.93 Mb
6 people like this.
Are you talking about the green circular object?
Like May 6, 2020
Try taking a pic with your back to the sun an this (orb) will be gone
Like May 6, 2020
Yo dmt heads! I am laughing at the photographers comment about my orb saying these are sun spots , well i tell you what ill put it on in the night and that will silence the sceptics haha! Ive got it changing into faces if creature! Watch this space to night!
Like May 6, 2020
It's kinda entertaining if nothing else lol
Like May 6, 2020