on May 5, 2020
When you gift the hydroponic shop owner 1/2 of cubes, 2 colonized jars and to look up home mycology on YouTube. 50% off. Thank you universe.
Dimension: 3072 x 4096
File Size: 3.41 Mb
17 people like this.
Oh I’m a sucker for glass! Nice
Like May 6, 2020
Fiancee's bday tomorrow. Im a sucker ror it too. Lol. $25 couldn't say no. Already paid for everything when dude finally got off phone. He said he didn't want them at first because he was sketched and thought i was randomly trying to sell him shit. I said it was a gift and he seemed shocked. T... View More
Like May 6, 2020
Tomorrow trading for some clones. Love natural plant meds
Like May 6, 2020
Looking forward to the day when commerce returns to this
Like May 6, 2020