on April 26, 2020
Best way ive found to make thc edibles.
Weigh out wax, dabs, shatter or whatever concentrate you're using. Oven around 220 degrees. Put in 1/2 pint jar, add some sunflower letchin and a bit of coconut oil. The letchin emuslifies wax and makes more bioavailable. (Lets mix together way easier) 30min in oven to decarb. I added a few pinches of powdered bud so you can actually taste its medicated. Add your decarbed coconut wax oil into whatever measuring tool your using and top off rest with normal oil or whatever. Mix well and then follow whatever recipe.
I used a lil over 3g of 4 different kinds of wax mixed up about 2g sunflower letchin and pinch of powdered bud. Figure they should be around 100mg per little square.
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Oh i have to add you first lol crap...i guess the comment was public so... it was just regarding a comment that you posted up there about substance abuse @DiMeTri... theres actually a new member here who does ibogaine treatments for addiction... they work well from the little research I have looked ... View More
Like April 27, 2020 Edited
I actually had 2 weird dreams i remember too.
Like April 27, 2020
Sometimes i use lemon tek with 100mg juice cuz its got citric a
Like April 27, 2020
I commented on their post yesterday. Something ive looked into a bit over past few years. I'd do for sure. Logistically dont think itll happen unless i really dig or go out of country, unless gov changes some laws. I be Joe smo if you didn't figure it out yet. Lol
Like April 27, 2020