on April 18, 2020
Almost done. Solvent all evaporated. NMT that gets pulled out in Naptha is pretty strange. Early pulls it will sit like a sludge in bottom of pan. This is why people hate on ACRB. The orange goo. You can litterly evap solvent until it drops out first, dump off solvent to seperate and freeze precip. Dark red on plate is that sludge separated. Real light stuff was freeze preciped 2 times. (Pour off and put back in freezer). Evaped rest to get those beautiful full spectrum crystals. This pan will now sit until that oil (its actually the other alks that don't seem to form a solid crystal structure) best thing i can describe it as is microcrystalline. With time the goo turns into a waxy crystaline structure. The dmt crystals that formed in this goo should wick up those oily alks and add some size, color, and a different quality. If someone can't blast off and has tried before. The "DMT doesn't work on me" people out there will from full spectrum extract from good ACRB. Everyone thinks they want that really white stuff. I pull a little for shits and giggles and to show that i know what im doing. Most of it goes straight to making infused leaf and Changa.
Dimension: 4096 x 3072
File Size: 2.31 Mb
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