on April 17, 2020
You can use medicine syringe to do pulls. Check solvent doesn't eat first. Most are HDPE #2 plastic. Thats only safe plastic to use. This is from 250g ACRB. All pulls combined. Evaporated until most of "plant fats and oils" dark orange (really NMT, Metta, dmt mixture) fell out and then freeze preciped to get the light cream color in glass, evaped and got light orange. Still got a yellow jar of naptha in freezer. Acrb has more alks than mhrb. Most people will say re x that dark ornage stuff but i bet my balls that dark orange is more potent by a bit since its a high ratio of nmt-dmt.
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2.5 dark, round 0.5 and vial 0.5ish. 3.5 so far and solvent in freezer is still snowing.
Like April 17, 2020
Let me know what you think of the darker stuff. Next time i travel ill be trying dark evaporated product for the first time. Im excited as fuck, but need to wait for the call.
Like April 20, 2020