on April 16, 2020
Product: Dream Blend
Quality: Excellent
Customer service: Excellent
Shipping: Fast
I purchased an ounce of the Dream Blend and have been very impressed with the effect as well as the flavor of this mix. It arrived fast, and in creative packaging that can be seen below. The tea it makes is smooth, gives a nice warm feeling, and is mildly sedative. Animal Energy kindly included celastrus paniculatus seeds to crush and add to the tea, which I was not familiar with prior to trying, but have read that it has nootropic properties and I like the essence it adds. I am one of those people that can rarely remember dreams for one reason or another. This has bothered me, as dreams contain a lot of useful information and insight into ourselves and our interactions with the medium we exist in. For a little over a year now, I have been on the search for dream agents. I am happy to have found this and highly recommend. The Dream Blend will be one that I continually turn to as an assist to help me remember and integrate my dream content into my waking life. Within the first 5 times of using the tea before bed, I woke up with vivid residuals of dreams on 3 of the following mornings. Since then, I would say the prevalence of effect has been consistent. Thanks to the Animal Energy and his Dream Blend, I have content for a dream journal now, which is something I always wanted to do. Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions. The product, as well as the seller, has made for a pleasurable experience. I will be purchasing more soon. Peace and health everybody!
Dimension: 1058 x 1118
File Size: 389.77 Kb
22 people like this.
Why thank you friend!
Like April 16, 2020
Well crap. I guess i gotta try this now!! 1f61b.png i was debating but hadnt got around to ordering any! Will do soon 1f609.png
Like April 17, 2020
Jeffrey Loubouski
Fucking A man.
Like May 13, 2020
damn thanks for this share bro@!
Like June 12, 2020