on April 15, 2020
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I was seriously upset at my inability to articulate my trip but I now believe that it's gotta be kept secret on a psychological level! So many people don't take a bungee jump coz they saw footage and decided it looked scary. If I had truly understood how volatile my trip would be, would I have dived... View More
Like April 16, 2020
I have attempted to explain my trip to very close friends and it just isn't feasible haha. The best discussion I have had is with the boy I got it from, I am really thankful for our conversations pre and post trip as he helped me to prepare (if once can ever even be prepared lol) but also listened t... View More
Like April 16, 2020
I think most people dont believe me, the ones that do usually want to try it.
Like April 17, 2020