on April 12, 2020
Second tub amd i must say its a winner 1st flush too
Dimension: 3264 x 2448
File Size: 1.67 Mb
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Cody Cakes
You used perlite in your sub, really. Or did you mean vermiculite.
Like April 26, 2020
Cody Cakes
Tou said no holes, that you did the unmodified tub tek. But whats that in the top left corner of the pic. Looks like a hole in the tube. Or is it a sticker on the outside. Just courius.
Like April 26, 2020
Im also curious how you used your perilite or did you mean vermiculite jw friend. Ive always wondered if you could use it in sub but have never tried. Figured it would contam out really fast
Like April 26, 2020
Its a sticker cody and yes perlite i serialized my coco and perlite for 2 hours before i mixed used gypsum aswell with it its my first time cant tell you toomuch as im a noob lol
Like April 26, 2020