on April 9, 2020
Dimension: 732 x 1183
File Size: 615.71 Kb
8 people like this.
I would think it would be a rare situation that a camera person would be allowed to shoot in an ER or ICU because of patient privacy concerns.
Like April 9, 2020
The Mushroom Man
There's always conspiracy theories whenever an outbreak occurs. And there's plenty of legitimate scandal (especially in the US) surrounding the virus and response. But again, the people actually in those rooms are fighting an extremely infectious and insidious disease. They don't have proper PPE eve... View More
Like April 10, 2020
I live in ny, its real.
Like April 10, 2020
If youre there youre either dying wish you were dead or trying to save people or yourself, no ones taking pictures and isnt worried about proving it, its pretty gross
Like April 10, 2020