on April 7, 2020
Learning ins and outs of molecular biology software for designing GMO projects
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Just learning on my own, the goal is to get bacteria or yeasts to grow tryptamines for me
Like April 7, 2020
Once all is said and done the idea is to grow them in a bioreactor where liquid “fuel” (just sugar water) is dripped in and a out flow of material goes out the exhaust side ei a giant amounts of product quickly
Like April 7, 2020
Ive heard all sorts of stuff but good luck getting your hands on it cause the people that do have it aint letting go of it, i know i can produce psilocybin but i found out in a protien data base theres all sorts of other tryptamines genes identified which is perfect for me
Like April 7, 2020
So im just a guy on the spectrum who doesnt fit in so the social norms and struggles with shit like socializing and jobs, i dont have any degrees just love chemistry and biology, i hope to start up a mushroom farm and a biology supply company, gmo supplies, discovering/producing anti biotics and ant... View More
Like April 7, 2020