on April 3, 2020
It is an essential right?!... :)
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He'll probably know better than me, I got my answers from google. It may just be down to preference. Yeah they come with quartz coils which some people dont mind using but ceramic doughnut coils are the coil of choice, for DiMiTri, apparently!
Like April 3, 2020
Am jelly lol.. he helped me out with my snoop dogg herb vape.. that same day he had the xl for $35 or $40 on sale which I went in there to buy but I at the time I was doing the whole cbd thing lol.. it’s time to go back and get one lol
Like April 3, 2020
I heard same thing about the XL plus and ceramic coils not fitting properly so got the standard one with 6 ceramic coils, only cost me £40
Like April 3, 2020
Hailey Nicole
Sure is! 1f600.png
Like April 3, 2020