on April 2, 2020
What the actual fuck, put my warm solvent into a dish, this shit turned into this immediately into this color. Dish is clean. Is this just so saturated with deemz cause dish is cold?
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I'm just trying to gauge if it's fat or actual deemz, cause i can let it decant at room temp and let it settle, then pull out liquid only
Like April 2, 2020
I let it settle, pulled out solvent. Precipitation left behind is way too greasy. It must be literally plant oil particles. It was just such unexpected thing, clear solvent goes into a dish and turns color when touching glass. Scared me a bit...
Like April 2, 2020
Yeah, i think that's logical.
Like April 2, 2020
Void, yeah, it came out light brown. I'll have to re-x, doesn't look appetizing. I'll also have to use Heptane for the remaining pulls to get rest of it out cleanly. Sux, cause heptane is harder to get than Naptha, didn't want to use it. But oh well... I kinda wonder what happened... 1000ml, 100g b... View More
Like April 3, 2020