on March 30, 2020
Had a wonderful journey yesterday on the river. Made some deep connections with an owl, saw an eagle as my friend said the word “roots” (avian symbology??), and got that sun. What do you connect with more? Land, Water, or Air? Holy trinity. 3 through infinity. Birth, Life, Death. Spiral Out
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14 people like this.
Tacos are life.
Like March 31, 2020
Jeffrey Loubouski
'The Owl Spirit Animal represents the deep connection that you share with wisdom, good judgment, and knowledge. Like the owl, which is known for its sharp vision and keen observation, you also possess insight and intuition. ... The owl totem also means that you can see beyond the masks that people w... View More
Like May 21, 2020
Jeffrey Loubouski
There is no connection. There only is.
Like May 21, 2020
Nature is where I recharge. Major events in my life are often accompanied by the visitation of an eagle. I am not sure why that is.
Like May 21, 2020