on March 27, 2020
and why are we so worried again about the big bad corona? oh yea because theyve brainwashed us with fear for the past 3 months.
sorry but im over it. 22,000 children die per day from poverty and C19's killed 23,709 in 3 months. now i just heard about a nurse in italy that came down with c19 and commit suicide so she wouldnt spread it. wake up people!
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22,000 children die per day from poverty. i imagine that # will have exponential growth this year also as c19 just bankrupted the world
Like March 27, 2020
Also, these are only confirmed cases that are prioritized for symptomatic people. The girl I’ve been dating was just declared “positive until proven otherwise” because it takes 10 days to get a confirmation
Like March 27, 2020
c19 just destroyed my business and my live plus my families lives and millions of others which will cause even more suffering to all familys abroad. i give a fuck too buddy, have a good weekend! im over it!
Like March 28, 2020
Guyver III
Marijuana still a essential business . They should just legalize it... Bottom line.. it's a war.. War from your mind body, spirit, free will, personal liberties etc... Depopulization .. too much cattle for ' them' to handle... 'the culling'
Like March 28, 2020