on March 24, 2020
Scraped this up from the bottom of my pie plate. 3rd pull. What is this? Smokeable? Worth it? Deems? Not deems? Plant matter? Whut pls thanks
Dimension: 902 x 1792
File Size: 637.45 Kb
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Np ^_^
Like March 24, 2020
Ozric Starshine
Jimjam. Yes smokeable.
Like March 24, 2020
It's just plant oil sediment, it does have some deemz in it. It's harsh vapor, but it might have a kick. Smear it on a surface and let it dry as much as possible, just to get out last traces of solvent. Then scrape it and just heat it up carefully, and inhale a bit, see of it burns your mouth. That ... View More
Like March 24, 2020
But do give report. I discard a lot of oils, it's too harsh for me.
Like March 24, 2020