on March 21, 2020
My shit always comes out yellowish does that mean anything bad. Only times I ever got dmt from friends it was yellow too but I see ppl have crystals and white shit does that mean it's better or anything. I mean my shits pretty potent I mean I've had a break through with it but don't have any I've tried that was pure white or crystals to compare it too. Idk the bark was pretty purple and on point as far as I'm concerned
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My jar stays at like 150 the whole time I use a crock pot on low and it keeps the water at like 150ish the while time should I not keep it in hot water the entire time?
Like March 22, 2020
50g, 500ml water, and maybe 20g of lye. But much better if you get pH meter. You might need less lye than that. Most ppl agree that 12.8-13.0 pH is where you want to be.
Like March 22, 2020
If you use 50g bark and 50g lye for that amount of water, you might end up with gooey bark mix. And it won't mix with Naptha as easy, which is bad. Your bark mix needs to be aqueous, as in watery enough for Naptha to mix with it.
Like March 22, 2020
I do 1:1 bark lye. 50ml lye to 50g bark
Like March 22, 2020