on March 20, 2020
Hows it looking? Is it okay to have that foam/condensation in the middle of the wrap?
Dimension: 902 x 1792
File Size: 600.63 Kb
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Thanks man I couldnt have done it without yall. I feel like I have a way much better understanding of these processes.
Like March 20, 2020
I got the tiniest bit (verryy small amount) of the base in the pan, then sucked it out. There is none visually in the pan.
Like March 20, 2020
Next time it happens, lean pan to side to move nap out of the way and the carefully clean the spill site with napkin.
Like March 20, 2020
Yeah the tiny particles hugged the bottom of the pie plate. Good idea
Like March 20, 2020