on March 19, 2020
Dimension: 718 x 546
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Same here. Every time it's like pulling teeth. Shit is free and there is a lot of it. And they act like I'm asking to borrow money.
Like March 19, 2020
I'm in exact same spot. They kept going to Aya and Bufo ceremonies and paying so much.... I started brewing really good Aya and extracting deemz. Now weekends come, they bitch out. They did it couple of times and that's it.
Like March 19, 2020
I guess ppl don't value things unless there is massive fee attached to it....
Like March 19, 2020
The first time i was offered i was ecstatic to get the chance to try! Such a shame people arent willing to experience something so amazing.
Like March 19, 2020