on March 16, 2020
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I haven’t done DMT yet, but consume mushrooms and have consulted them over several things. Tomorrow, I will attempt with Corona. It’s a valid question.
Like March 24, 2020
It doesn't work unless you have fundamental context about biology and biochemistry. A scientist can take psychedelics and receive new view about certain things. Scientists can see a shape that will give him new information about something relating to work in a field. To a lay person that same shape ... View More
Like March 24, 2020
But that tweet is funny as fuck tho
Like March 24, 2020
Covered can be used medicinally in conjunction with c b d. Those who utilize cannabis have been shown to only have unhealthy cells attacked by covid so therefore I can be used as a purgative for unhealthy cells in conjunction with cannabis. Even disease can be a medicine if utilized in the proper se... View More
Like February 16, 2022