on March 15, 2020
After a few mishaps and TEKnichal difficulties it’s onwards and upwards. Not tried this yet, happy with the pure whiteness, more than happy with them few oily rocks in there ☄️. Cybs Salt Tek stepped up to 200g, 1.2g so far from 2 pulls. (The picture isnt the whole yield btw! Each picture is a seperate pull!)
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 138.1 Kb
14 people like this.
Agreed Beerus21. I love dimirti, but man do i love seeing those pretty lil crystals forming!
Like March 16, 2020
Right! Tbh I don’t even do it. I let my friends try it or I might give some as a gift. It’s more for fun,, just so I know how to do it. Hobbyish. Shrooms are my #1 but this is right behind it
Like March 16, 2020
I think thats going to be my next venture. Im on a quest to discover these magical medicines!
Like March 16, 2020
So much fun. There’s so much to do and learn. Highly recommend it. taught me almost everything I know ✌️
Like March 16, 2020 Edited