on March 10, 2020
You guys think this will work? Ive heard so many differing opinions..bought this sketchy pipe just for this to hopefully not get the DMT too hot. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 1.59 Mb
6 people like this.
I was so close but I got stuck between realities I guess. My wife and I don’t really know what we are doing so I didn’t break through but I got a lot of crazy feelings and visuals. Everything got really shaky and cartoony and my body felt like it was about to explode like a rocket. I got really scar... View More
Like March 11, 2020
Had no bearing on reality and clung to what was familiar ie my wife and dog. Going to put the rest in a blunt and see if my wife and I can get some cool visuals
Like March 11, 2020
Dude, don't concentrate on anything. Just close your eyes after last pull and lie down. Even if it's not a breakthrough, with eyes closed you'll get a nice colorful tunnel flight, and if you have good mellow music playing, that flight is very enjoyable.
Like March 11, 2020
Did you use a bic lighter or a torch
Like March 11, 2020