on March 3, 2020
For anyone who has NOT tried pure molly in all irs amazing glory then Pplllleeeeeeaaaaassaaee! Do yourself a favor if it ever comes your way cuz daaaaammmmnnnn!!!!!
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 5.79 Mb
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Most times i got molly ended up being crystal meth. Majority can't tell the difference, so they push that shit. So i just gave up. Not that i was actively looking, just my ex had some with her few times. I didn't need a reagent to tell it was just speed. But that baggie looks like good times bro, le... View More
Like March 3, 2020
Simply the best. Better than all the rest!! 1f642.png
Like March 3, 2020
Its def. on my bucket list
Like March 3, 2020