Hailey Nicole
on February 9, 2020
Lol I'd still smoke it too
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The most i pay for a gram is about $40. But occasionally theres sales at the dispensary i go to and we can get $30 grams. 4 grams for $100, also. But a cap at 8 grams. 2oz cap on flower.
Like February 10, 2020
Hailey Nicole
our prices are basically the same as yours from dispos! Same caps but ours you cap wax at 2 oz also i think?
Like February 11, 2020
Im pretty sure the ling infections have been linked to vitamin E oils put in carts to stretch out the wax.
Like February 11, 2020
Hailey Nicole
it was vitamin E! I thought it was to thin the wax out and make it more "vapeable" but who knows..
Like February 12, 2020