on February 8, 2020
Soo i was just looking threw my photos, an wow im kinda surprised on how far my extraction skills have come! The pan On the left is from last night's extraction and the one on the right is from a fews months back. Its amazing at the differance in yeilds.
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File Size: 2.97 Mb
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Hello im new to this. What exactly is that substance. Obviouly you have completly isolated whatever alkaloid it is. Perfectly and efficently
Like February 8, 2020
Zach ..lots of people here would call the dirty 3.15g their yeild and stop there ...others would call the 2x washed 2.68g their final yeild ...wash again and the weight will drop i am sure as well as color more white then that would be your yeild and so on reality when the yellow stuff is tota... View More
Like February 8, 2020
I guess it would also depend on how specific you wanted to be, the DMT yield specifically is what EES is referring to . However you wouldnt necessarily be wrong if you claimed you had a 3% or more full extract yield. (Fats oils tannins crystals)
Like February 8, 2020
But without it being pure crystals you'll probably have contamination on top of even the full extract
Like February 8, 2020