on February 3, 2020
Anybody in or around Kent area (UK) feeling the calling of Kambo holla at me.
Kambo is used to cleanse ‘panema’ or dark energies within, to purify and detoxify the body, its glands and organs and is often reffered to as ‘natures vaccine’ due to its powerful multidimensional benefits to our central and peripheral nervous systems.
Its effects are extremely powerful due to the cocktail of bioactive peptides in the Kambo secretion. These are some of the most potent natural anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, anti-fungal and and analgesic (pain relief) properties found in the world.
Kambo kambo Ho!
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And it was exhausting me. Kambo made me rest and after two days i felt like a clean snake had shed its old pointless skin. I found the time and energy to work out and ive found the groove again
Like February 4, 2020
Tonight we have created a beautiful bufo sound bath, with gongs and crystal bowls.
Like February 4, 2020
Beautiful discussion people. Thank you for taking the time. Together we are stronger.
Like February 4, 2020
DM'd you friend.
Like February 4, 2020