on February 3, 2020
Turkey and skrooms = fuckn gotta call in a bro card
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I dont know that it was the turkey is to blame.. But im highly suspect and will probably never mix the two again.
Like February 3, 2020
Could've just been the dosage imo, up to 3g is all fun and games but once you get closer to or past that 5g the insanity takes over and you're in for a wild ride. But who knows for sure, might have to try the turkey shroom sandwich myself one day hahah
Like February 3, 2020
Yea.. I dont know what the fuck that was about. I seriously tapped out on that one. Had to call a sitter i used to trip with.. Embarrasing lol.
Like February 3, 2020
Mission accomplished haha. Mush Respect.
Like February 3, 2020