on January 17, 2020
Finally getting my hands on some LSD and they’re gel tabs?! Never knew they were a thing until a couple days ago. Do they just dissolve on your tongue our what?
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 6.63 Mb
12 people like this.
Are those vegetable coating or gelatin?
Like January 17, 2020
Only my first trip so far was gel tabs. It was the best trip i ever had! The only time I've "lost myself" on LSD, and it was amazing!
Like January 17, 2020
Thank you all for the feedback! I’m going to find out more about them when I meet the guy. I don’t like asking too many questions over text
Like January 17, 2020
Nemesis Rhapsody
Yes they dissolve.
Like January 17, 2020