Grow Grow Gadget
on January 10, 2020
It's a sad day. Peter the cat has passed. The vet seems to think he had a stroke.
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 202.19 Kb
1 person likes this.
So sorry to hear that, RIP peter
Like January 10, 2020
Grow Grow Gadget
We never knew how old Peter was, we guessed 9 or 10 but the vet seemed to think he was around 16.
Like January 10, 2020
Grow Grow Gadget
I found Peter a broken and bloody mess. Took him in, had pins put in his broken arm , got his head stitched up. Gave him many more comfortable years.
Like January 10, 2020
Im sorry for your loss. I'm sure he loved the time he spent with you.
Like January 10, 2020