on January 6, 2020
Finally a good batch no contammmmmm so far!! Hahaha, pancyan spores and b+ in agar
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I just didnt did a scratch on the agar so the culture was floating on real life it does look like micellium (like some of it went aerial and then through the agar) we'll see in the next few days, I've lately seen cowweb molds and it def. dont look like it yet but time will say for sure
Like January 6, 2020 Edited
Maybe this is pan cyan myc but it’s definitely not cubensis. Hope it works out for you dude
Like January 6, 2020
Keep it up
Like January 6, 2020
its supposed to be Bplus te cyanescens is the spore pic 1f609.png
Like January 6, 2020