on January 6, 2020
Who knows what genus of shrooms these are?
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 4.14 Mb
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I would say some cubensis... but far as the strain...... idk if anykne would really be able to say 100% idk tho
Like January 6, 2020
P. Cubensis
Like January 6, 2020
I thought the 1 with thwm big gills looked differnt, but i can see the blue in it... safe to say just some regular cubes though Look like some fuxkin Chubbies too
Like January 6, 2020
Fuck those shits wwere strong, 10.5 grams and they gave me acid vibes took me to outter space, swear i broke the simulation under the full moon. Shit went black after it was electric i was like wtf
Like January 12, 2020