on January 6, 2020
everyone's gotta start somewhere
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Like January 6, 2020
@LostNfoundNspirit...same here lol im terrible...sometimes i like forget to sterilize something and then all the jars are done and im looking at em an hour later like "did i wipe the rims...idk..oh well we gunna find out in a day or two" lol
Like January 7, 2020
I hope your batches turn out well . Your Mr Rogers skit def was a ray of light for me yesterday. It feels good to encounter something that geniuinely makes me laugh my ass off. Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood, sterile or not. Peace bro. Lol!
Like January 7, 2020 Edited
stay blessed man, and thanks. I'm happy I can pass along some good vibrations. I am getting better...I think?...never make the same mistake twice is a good rule of thumb but ill be damned if wiping the rims isn't my kryptonite though lol
Like January 7, 2020 Edited