on April 28, 2019
Mmmmmaybe another day in the heat bath
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How do you guys like to syphon of your naptha? I use glass pipettes but I'm still leaving lots behind cause you cant dip the end in that deep otherwise Its almost impossible for me to not get any of the bottom layer mixed in
Like April 29, 2019
Turkey baster for the bulk of it, and a seperatjon funnel for the last of it
Like April 29, 2019
I was doing two different jars One more clean, one more fatty. Fatty one stayed in the bath for another 24 hours and the got a heat fan, clean nap, freezer. Fatty jar has different ratio of chems. I'm experimenting and testing how to get each spectrum. My clean jar came out very very clean, fatty... View More
Like April 29, 2019
I use a medical syringe
Like April 29, 2019