on December 22, 2019
Anyone else onto VR ?
Treated myself for xmas, upgraded from the go
Dimension: 3264 x 2448
File Size: 3.75 Mb
10 people like this.
T rex ophora
Breezly me too. Im starting this pc build with 3d art snd world building in mind. I wanna create on a huge scale in vr. Its gonna happen. This is the coolest medium ever. I want to design the unbelievable spaces ive encountered on break throughs.
Like December 23, 2019
T rex ophora
Yeah blender was highly recommended. Its open source too which is awesome. But i wrote down a few suggestions the artist salvia droid recommended to me. Ill find the list and share it.
Like December 23, 2019
T rex ophora
I just created a group so we can help each other figure this shit out and share our creations. Its called VR explorers
Like December 23, 2019